Why Heat Pumps

Wondering if heat pumps are the right choice for your home or business? Learn more about heat pumps and why they are such a popular heating and cooling method these days.

How we heat our homes plays an important role in shaping a sustainable future.

Environmentally friendly

Heat pumps are extremely efficient in converting energy to heat and will therefore help you heat your house with less input. In the Northeast United States, it is estimated that heat pumps reduce the carbon footprint of your household by about 75% compared to a gas furnace. Pretty incredible, right?

Year-round comfort

Heat pumps can be used both for heating your house in the winter and cooling it in the summer. Heat pumps also dehumidify the air, which adds greatly to the comfort of your home during the humid summer months. They also filter the air, reducing the amount of dust in your indoor air, and increase air circulation.


Heat pumps are cheaper to operate than a gas or propane furnace. While your electricity bill will increase, your overall heating costs will decrease. It’s good to notice that the initial cost of a whole house heat pump system is usually more expensive than an oil furnace, but heat pumps will pay themselves back quicker.

Easy to operate

While an oil furnace might feel a little intimidating to many of us, heat pumps are very user friendly and easy to operate with a remote control. Moreover, the best efficiency is achieved by keeping the temperature at a constant setting, so once the temperature is set to ideal comfort, you won’t really need to adjust it throughout the season.

Guiding you through the project

Need help in selecting the right heat pump units for your home or business? Our experienced heat pump pros are happy to talk more about your options and help you find the optimal units for your space.

Call Maine Coast Heat